Prepare a project plan for your grant application

When you apply to us for a grant, you'll need to give us your project plan.

Project plan template

Complete the project plan template and upload it to your grant application.

How to complete the project plan template

We want to know how your proposal will make a difference to the challenges set out. 

The template encourages a logic model approach to show the steps in your project including: 

  • the activities you’ll carry out
  • what the outputs of that activity will be (which will be the things you can claim your grant money against)
  • the longer-term outcomes that will be achieved - this should show that the actions your project carries out will directly link to longer term outcomes.

The template has seven columns.

1. Claim periods

The claim dates, outputs, evidence and claim value will form the basis of the grant award if successful.

You should expect to complete a row for each claim period.

You can ask for more regular small claims if needed, to manage your cashflow (for example a claim every quarter) or you can ask for just a couple of larger claims (once a year) which will minimise the administrative burden for yourself and us. If you need some advice on this, contact us at

The total value of your claims in column 5 should match the value in your costing spreadsheet.

2. Activities delivered in the claim period

This is what you will do during your project.

3. Outputs from the claim period

These are the tangible deliverables from your project.

4. Evidence of outputs you'll submit with the claim

This evidence will form part of your award letter. You will need to submit it with the relevant claim.

5. Value of claim

Each value will need to be evidenced when you claim, such as with invoices.

6. Outcomes

This is the broader change these deliverables will achieve. An outcome is defined as the impact of your project - not in terms of what your service or activity delivered, but of long-lasting change.

7. Methods to measure progress against outcomes

For example, interviews with project participants, questionnaire to community group, observation of study population.

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