Consignee returns with reduced reporting and charges

For certain waste movements we accept reduced reporting and charging requirements. This only applies:

  • to wastes with reduced reporting requirements
  • for the first movement of the hazardous waste from the premises where it is produced to a permitted or exempt consignee
  • where the other requirements of the hazardous waste regulations have been fully complied with, such as use of consignment note
  • where the consignment note coding standard has been used. AAAnnn/QxYYD where:
    • AAAnnn is your hazardous waste registration number (premises code)
    • Qx is the number of the relevant quarter (use Q1 for Jan to March, Q2 for April to June, Q3 for July to sept, Q4 for Oct to Dec
    • YY is the year (for example 22 for 2022)
    • D is for Derogation
  • where any additional conditions set out below are also met

Wastes with reduced reporting requirements


  • 16 05 04* aerosol air fresheners from washrooms
  • 20 01 33* dry cell portable batteries
  • 20 01 21* 16 02 13* 16 02 15* 20 01 35* fluorescent tubes and other lighting equipment
  • 16 06 01* lead acid motor vehicle batteries – applies only to consignment of 5 or fewer batteries
  • 20 01 19* pesticides (municipal) – applies only to the first movement of waste, from the customer premises where the waste was produced
  • 14 06 01* recovered refrigerant gases
  • 16 01 04* un-depolluted end of life vehicles – applies only where the first movement is direct to an authorised treatment facility
  • 15 01 10* empty unclean packaging destined for reconditioning, remanufacturing, or rebottling under an environmental permit (not exemptions) – for this position, remanufacturing means only processes where the original core components of the packaging are reused
  • any small samples of waste being sent to laboratories for analysis
    • the first movement is the place where the sample was taken or produced
    • applies to samples produced as part of a recognised quality assurance scheme
  • 20 01 35* with 20 01 36 small mixed waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) from domestic households
    • excludes other separately collected WEEE items, such as cathode ray tubes, monitors and flat screen TVs, refrigeration equipment, large domestic appliances, batteries and fluorescent lamps
    • place of production is a household WEEE collection point, such as a civic amenity site, bring bank, or a shop offering in-store take back
    • unsorted loads must be classified as both 20 01 35* and 20 01 36 unless hazardous items and components have been identified and removed

This reduction does not apply to waste from diffuse network infrastructure. See the consignment note guidance  and Guidance Statement of premises notification for more advice.

How to complete a consignment note return for wastes with reduced reporting requirements

1. Produce a new consignment note code using  AAAnnn/QxYYD format as explained above.

2. Enter that consignment note code in the consignee return and:

  • mark the type of consignment as ‘single’
  • enter date received as the last day of the quarter, in the format DD/MM/YYYY
  • use the postcode for the consignee site

3. Enter the List of Waste code for each waste you received with reduced reporting requirements (for example use 20 01 21* for fluorescent tubes) and then enter the:

  • total quantity (kg) of each List of Waste code received during that quarter
  • recovery or disposal code for the activity you applied to the waste
  • physical form of the waste
  • hazardous properties for the waste – HP1 to HP15 and persistent organic pollutant (POP)

We will not normally take enforcement action for failure to report these waste movements in full unless:

  • other hazardous waste requirements are not complied with
  • activity has caused, or is likely to cause pollution or harm to health
Last updated