Results for "waste"
Waste permitting
Apply for a waste permit, find guidance, submit your return, check the waste standard rules, register as a waste carrier or producer, and register exemptions
Mining waste
If you manage extractive waste then this activity may be a mining waste operation, which is regulated under the Environmental Permitting Regulations.
Depositing waste for recovery
Depositing waste for recovery is when you use waste material instead of non-waste material. Instead of the waste being disposed of, it is being recovered.
Importing and exporting waste guidance
If you intend to export or import waste (from or into the UK) a range of regulatory controls apply
- Register or renew as a hazardous waste producer
Deciding if you are a waste carrier, broker or dealer
Find out if the activities you do mean you're a waste carrier, broker or dealer and which tier you must register in
Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) guidance
Information for organisations in Wales that are EEE producers, approved authorised treatment facilities (AATFs), approved exporters (AEs) and the producer compliance schemes